Information is distributed on different muxes than the mux itself. I did notice that some providers use a different way of sending information about muxes specifically Ziggo, which I use, does this to confuse users and to avoid people using their own hardware, but maybe also CaiWay uses a similar system. One thing might be worth trying: I am guessing it must be something with the anysee driver as the windows software does find all the services Caiway provides. Google around before you buy anything. Every now and then IP network of my Internet operator is down for, God knows, what reason.
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There are many Anyysee clients to choose from. Hope this helps, Alex. So I removed all multiplexes and added them back by hand. You can try to enable "idle scanning"but for a complete rescan you need to restart as far as i know. If you have device you wish to donate you can send it to my address.

media: anysee: fix non-working E30 Combo Plus DVB-T [Linux ] - Linux Kernels

It seems a muxid is necessary, without it services are not found and therefore can not be used. My thought was to fill the channels. In those cases DVB-T stick makes my day.

Please check first from that list of devices if I have it already. Although that everything is given for free as a community project, the development has cost tens thousands of euros for me Like modulators, signal meters, analyzers, sniffers Anyzee seems that for some reason the super user account created during the initial setup cannot be used to view anyee.

So, basically try to start clean and then manually add the "start-mux" following the parameters as given in the links for your region first?

Uudempi teksti Vanhempi viesti Etusivu. I am happy to see new hardware too. The strange thing is that the number of services is only 14, while there are much more services.

This seems to be a common issue at least it was some time ago. I have done all this work almost without any salary and even spend rather much money on these devices, no to mention used time If you look at the photos below you see see two very well supported DVB-T sticks.

Added by Arend van der Boom over 6 years ago Hi, First of all, please let me know if this is the correct forum for my question I have just started with tvheadend on my Ubuntu After booting Ubuntu the unit is linuxx as 'ID 1c I will try to fix that Once it was done I had reached my goal.

Fixed for Kernel 3.

LXR linux/drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/anysee.c

This had to qnysee with the hardware ID of the anysee unit, which in the newest units is If you really want some bugfix or enhancement, ask if I can do that: I have just started with tvheadend on my Ubuntu My guess is that this needs to be 0 before I can continue to channels.

Maybe try adding the mux by hand? There is also mention about known issues of each driver. I did notice that some providers use a different way of sending information about muxes specifically Ziggo, which I ljnux, does this to confuse users and to avoid people using their own hardware, but maybe also CaiWay uses a similar system.

Big thanks to Malcolm Priestley! After mapping the dvb services to channels I was able to watch TV with Tvheadend.

Setup Kaffeine in Ubuntu Playing the found channels did not worked. One thing might be worth trying:
